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Multi-Sensory, Messy Play






Let Sprouting Senses handle the mess, allowing you to observe and interact with your little one as they explore through their senses. 


Let them be messy. Let them play.

Benefits of messy play are plentiful: social development, scientific thinking, fostering organic inquiry, developing fine & gross motor skills.


Messy play allows children to explore through their senses. It is a hands-on, child-led approach to developing problem solving skills, cognitive growth, language and motor skills.




Good, messy, FUN. 


Expect your little one to be organically engaged in stimulating activities through play. 


Our child-led classes will highlight two sensory features each class. Tots will have the ability to explore with tools, independently and cooperatively on their own time. 


It's the free-play aspect of our classes that is the most beneficial to your child's development. Allowing children to discover and inquire, on their own, gives them confidence and a sense of accomplishment.



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